Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Polling and Tracks

At the top of every track underneath the word Timeline, a time item tool appears, by default this is Do Immediately.

For example:

Click the small cross icon to remove the time item.

Click the larger drop down icon to display a selection box allowing you to select one of four possible time items for a Track.

When using the Do Immediately and After a Period time items, the system needs the user to define how often to check for new activity and this is the user defined Polling frequency. If you click on one of these two time items, an Attributes option appears above the applications ribbon bar, and clicking on it shows the settings available.

The following settings are available:

  • Enable Polling: This enables Polling on the Track. If this check box is cleared, the system will ignore this track when looking for new jobs. Note that if Enable Polling is not selected on a Track, it will still create a job the first time the Track is processed, and will therefore process this Track once. After that, it is ignored by Track polling. Events can also push recipients through Tracks, and this will occur regardless of whether Track Polling in enabled. Therefore clearing  Enable Polling is NOT a way to turn off the activity in a track all together.
  • Poll Every: A setting in seconds telling the system how often you want the track to process.
  • Occurences: These options are redundant in the current system and there are plans to have these removed in a future release.

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